Monday, November 1, 2010

An enticing buffet, I hope.

An enticing buffet, I hope.

Cutie and I have been together her entire 16 years, and I am very sad to say she was diagnosed with kidney failure on Friday. I've gotten her different prescription foods and I am trying to find something she will be willing to it, hence this little buffet. Unfortunately, she's still not really eating too much in one go, less than a quarter of a can. Her medication we started her on Friday was upsetting her stomach, so hopefully this new one she started today won't do such a terrible number on her stomach.

Someone said to me this weekend that I must have been preparing myself for her eventual demise, but honestly? No. I've always said she needs to live forever. When it comes to Cutie, at heart I am still just the selfish, nearsighted kid I was when I adopted her. Kidney failure isn't a "painful" condition, which makes me glad, but I am afraid of trying to understand the line where her malaise becomes too much.

Until then, my life will be cleaning her bodily functions from the carpet, trying to find food she's willing to eat, and possibly learning how to administer water under her skin (picture my reaction when the vet told me that. Hint: I was confused at first). Hers will hopefully be comfortable. Wish me luck on figuring out how to achieve that.

Love you, Cutie.

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